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Fonken Ftec-Audio * This notice must stay intact for legal use. * Visit ***********************************************/ function isEmailAddr(email){ var result = false; var theStr = new String(email); var index = theStr.indexOf("@"); if (index > 0){ var pindex = theStr.indexOf(".",index); if ((pindex > index+1) && (theStr.length > pindex+1)) result = true;} return result;} function validEmail(formField) { var result = true; if (result && ((formField.value.length < 3) || !isEmailAddr(formField.value)) ){ alert("Enter your complete email adres: e.g."); formField.focus(); result = false;} return result;} function validPassword(formField) { if (formField.value.length < 4) { alert('Password must have at least 4 characters'); formField.focus(); return false;} return true;} function validUserName(formField) { if (formField.value.length < 3) { alert('Username must have at least 3 characters'); formField.focus(); return false;} return true;} function shopLogin(button) { var number1 = "92747112384234"; var text = 0x53 + 0x43; var text2 = String.fromCharCode(number1.substring(5,7)*5) + String.fromCharCode(84) + String.fromCharCode(88) + String.fromCharCode(76); var text3 = unescape('%72%6F%66%6C'); var all = '&-script=li' + text + text2 + text3; var email = new Array(); email = document.formlogin.Email.value.split('@'); var URLmail = email[0] + '%40' + email[1]; if(button == 'login') { if (!validPassword(document.formlogin.password)) return false; if (document.formlogin.alias.value.length >= 3) { document.location.href = 'FMPro?-db=FtecKlanten.fp3&-lay=CGI&-format=login/login2.htm&-error=login/LoginError.htm&-OP=eq&paswoord=' + document.formlogin.password.value + '&-OP=eq&alias=' + document.formlogin.alias.value + all + '&-find'; return true;} if (!validEmail(document.formlogin.Email)) { return false;} document.location.href = 'FMPro?-db=FtecKlanten.fp3&-lay=CGI&-format=login/Login2.htm&-error=login/LoginError.htm&-OP=eq&paswoord=' + document.formlogin.password.value + '&-OP=eq&email=' + URLmail + all + '&-find'; return true;} if(button == 'nieuw') { if (!validUserName(document.formlogin.alias)) return false; if (!validPassword(document.formlogin.password)) return false; if (!validEmail(document.formlogin.Email)) return false; if(document.formlogin.password.value != document.formlogin.pass2.value) { alert('password and password confirmation are not the same'); document.formlogin.pass2.formField.focus(); return false;} if (confirm("you want to register with username:" + document.formlogin.alias.value + " and Email addres: " + document.formlogin.Email.value + " is this correct?")) { document.location.href = 'FMPro?-db=FtecKlanten.fp3&-lay=CGI&-format=login/Login2.htm&-error=login/LoginError.htm&email1=' + email[0] + '&email2=' + email[1] + '&email=' + URLmail + '&paswoord=' + document.formlogin.password.value + '&alias=' + document.formlogin.alias.value + '&-new'; return true;}} return false;} function changeLogin() { alert('Wachtwoord:'); } /*********************************************** * Tab selection functions E.W. Fonken Ftec-Audio * This notice must stay intact for legal use. * Visit ***********************************************/ function tabover(tab) {if(tab.className!='Tab_sel') tab.className='Tab_over';} function tabout(tab) {if(tab.className!='Tab_sel') tab.className='Tab_out';} function tabsel(tab) { var a = new Array(); a ='_'); var i = 1; var curobj; while(curobj = document.getElementById(a[0] + '_' + (i++).toString())){ curobj.className='Tab_out'; } document.getElementById(a[0]).innerHTML = tab.innerHTML; tab.className='Tab_sel'; } /*********************************************** * Drop Down/ Overlapping Content- © Dynamic Drive ( * This notice must stay intact for legal use. * Visit for full source code ***********************************************/ function getposOffset(overlay, offsettype){ var totaloffset=(offsettype=="left")? overlay.offsetLeft : overlay.offsetTop; var parentEl=overlay.offsetParent; while (parentEl!=null){ totaloffset=(offsettype=="left")? totaloffset+parentEl.offsetLeft : totaloffset+parentEl.offsetTop; parentEl=parentEl.offsetParent; } return totaloffset; } function overlay(curobj, subobjstr, opt_position){ if (document.getElementById){ var subobj=document.getElementById(subobjstr)!="block")? 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Fonken( * This notice must stay intact for legal use. ***********************************************/ function framepopup(frame_id, url){ if (document.getElementById){ var frameobj=document.getElementById(frame_id) if(!="block"){"block"; frameobj.src=url; } else{"none"; } return false } else return true } function frameclose(frame_id){ document.getElementById(frame_id).style.display="none" } var UniqueID = 314 // Make each link open in a new window var newWinOffset = 0 // Position of first pop-up function PlayerOpen(soundfiledesc,soundfilepath) { PlayWin ='',UniqueID,'width=320,height=190,top=' + newWinOffset +',left=0,resizable=0,scrollbars=0,titlebar=0,toolbar=0,menubar=0,status=0,directories=0,personalbar=0'); PlayWin.focus(); var winContent = "" + soundfiledesc + ""; winContent += "" + soundfiledesc + ""; winContent += ""; winContent += ""; winContent += ""; winContent += ""; winContent += ""; winContent += ""; winContent += ""; winContent += "

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